Tuesday 10 January 2017

Go to the Nature

   “The nature, who brought you on the earth, can nurture you as well”. 
Thus, try to as much close as possible. Moreover, the nature provides your all requirement in your vicinity. No need to go far away. Say for example, if consider the case of a geographical region, like Gangantic plain, in dry hot summer, the nature gives all juicy fruits, like cucumber, watermelon etc.

 Everyone at least once must be passed through this proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” (first used in print in 1922). This proverb was especially famous in Wales, (UK, in 1860) and thus it could be best for that geographical condition. However, now a day, it diffused globally and accordingly, it is very much responsible for spreading of apple throughout the globe.

One can see in the graph which is roughly showing a comparative account of various components of nutrients found in apple, eggplant (Brinjal) and Custard apple. This easily reflects the values of nutrients of various components.

[source of content: AppleEggplant custard apple]
Nevertheless, the components for which apple is quoted so frequently are the polyphenolics which includes Carotene-ß (huge in tomato, carrots etc), Crypto-xanthin-ß (also found in papaya, mango) and Lutein-zeaxanthin (most of the dark green leafy vegetables and Zea mays).

Thus, this is one of simplest possible comparison is made to support the fact that the nature provides everything to population, which so ever is required. Likewise many such examples can be produced to support the above fact, However, the aim of this statement is only to tell that if one has to take some xenobiotics source, one must try first to find out the natural source of the same.

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